Tag Archives: amino acids

Tiny Tip Tuesday: Eat Eggs

Super yummy, beautiful eggs.

Super yummy, beautiful eggs.

Unfortunately, over the years, eggs have been a much maligned food.  Due to their yolk’s high cholesterol level, doctors and other health professionals have advocated limiting their consumption, particularly for people with high cholesterol.  These recommendations are unfortunate because eggs offer many health benefits and their impact on cholesterol is not clear cut.  Eggs are a significant source of Vitamin A, Selenium, Folate, B vitamins and phosphorous.  Even though  their yolks contain 212 mgs of the 300 daily recommended mgs of cholesterol, over 70% of people show no cholesterol response to egg consumption and the other 30% of people (called hyper responders) showed a minimal increase in LDL and total cholesterol.   These studies show, however, that eggs change the LDL particles from the small, dense particles associated with heart disease to large LDL molecules.  People with predominately large LDL particles have a lower risk of heart disease.  In fact, some studies have actually shown egg consumption can increase HDL (the “good” cholesterol) in some people.  Egg yolks are also an excellent source of complete protein (6 grams of protein per large egg and they contain all of the essential amino acids) and they contain 100 mgs of choline, an incredibly important nutrient used to build cell membranes and by the body to produce the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine.  Studies have also shown eating omega-3 enriched eggs can reduce triglycerides by 16-18%.  Even though it was hard for me to let go of all the “knowledge” I had about limiting eggs due to their cholesterol count, once I started really examining the studies,  eggs gained a regular place in my family’s breakfast rotation.  You can’t beat their nutrient density compared to their cost!!  If you are interested in adding eggs to your diet but have a history of high cholesterol, talk to your health care provider about a recommendation for a healthy number of eggs to include in your diet.

Photo found on flicker under Creative Commons license.  See more beautiful photos by Woodley Wonder Works here.

Post shared on Fat Tuesday.

Tiny Tip Tuesday: Eat Hemp

Hemp seeds.

Hemp seeds.

Hemp seeds are one of the new darlings of the health food world and when you take a look at their nutritional profile, you understand why.  Hemp is known for its ideal concentrations of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids(1-3 ratio)  which have the potential to beneficially influence heart disease and improve overall health.  Hemp seeds contain all of the essential and non-essential amino acids making it a complete protein- a perfect vegan protein source. (In fact, 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds contain 11 grams of protein.)  They contain GLA (gamma linolenic acid), a building block of anti-inflammatory hormones.  Hemp seeds are chock full of  disease-fighting, plant-based phytonutrients and anti-aging antioxidants such as vitamin E.  It also adds vitamins and  minerals including Vitamin A, Vitamin D, zinc, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and iron.

Hemp seeds have a mild flavor similar to chopped walnuts.  They are excellent in both smoothies and  baked goods, sprinkled on salads or in yogurt and are often made into a source for vegan protein powder.  They are an incredibly versatile source of nutrition.  Tell me about your favorite recipes for hemp seeds.

Buy your hemp seed here: Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts Shelled Hemp Seed, 8 Ounce Bags (Pack of 2)

Affiliate links shared in this post.

Shared on Simple Lives Thursdays.

See more photos by Ruby Ran on flickr.

Tiny Tip Tuesday: Protein for Vegans and Vegetarians


Photo by rusvaplauke with text added by me.

Photo by rusvaplauke with text added by me.

My vegan and vegetarian friends say they are always asked about how they get their protein.  However, recent research has pointed to the fact that it is easier than you think to get your protein needs met even without eating meat.  Protein, along with fat and carbs,  is one of the three macro nutrients that are essential for life.  You have protein in every cell in your body.  Protein is composed of amino acids.  Non- essential amino acids can be made by your body but essential amino acids must be obtained through food or supplementation.  Proteins are lumped into two categories- complete and incomplete.  A complete protein contains all nine of the essential amino acids in the correct ratios.  Incomplete proteins either lack some of the essential amino acids or the amino acids aren’t in the correct ratios the body needs.  However, a protein can be made complete by combining more than one incomplete protein.  Conventional wisdom use to state that to make a complete proteins the incomplete proteins had to be eaten in the same meal.  It is now known that  as long as you eat your incomplete proteins within 24 hours, they will combine to make a complete protein.  Below is an easy list to help you form complete proteins.  Simply eat food from two or more of the different categories in a 24 hour period and you will get all the amino acids needed to form a complete protein.

GRAINS : barley, corn  meal, oats, rice pasta, bulgar, wheat, amaranth, spelt,  quinoa, millet or other whole grains.

LEGUMES:  beans, lentil, peas, peanuts or soy products.

SEEDS & NUTS:  sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, pecans, nut butters or other nuts and seeds.

VEGETABLES:  leafy greens, broccoli, corn, mushrooms, carrots, yams or other vegetables.

Added to REal Food Forager, Gluten Free Homemaker, Rock My Vegan Socks and Urban Naturale,




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